
15 Game Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Nice game, good little time waster. Where do I get the file transfer code for the mobile version? The internet upload feature doesn't work, it just keeps timing out for me.

Awwww PUPPY!

must... pet... puppy... head... going to... EXPLODE!

I wish I could help you out in your plight, but I'm flat out broke mang! I'll pray you get the money you need!

Needs tweaking

Was okay, but Doug gets way too fast later on there. Kind of a waste of the players money if they upgrade a weapon only to have Doug pop in and out of barrels so fast that we don't ahve time to actually land a blow.

Fun game!

Like raiden, you have tons of explosions and power-ups! Unlike raiden, you can't die, placing more focus on just destroying things as efficiently as possible. It's a brilliant reworking to an tried-and-true gameplay mechanic. Let's have a round of applause for you!

Also, who does the music for the game? One of the best soundtracks I've heard!

Nice game!

Great concept, excellent execution. The golf mechanics made it very fun while still maintaining the relaxing atmosphere.

@p763we, don't rate the game bad just because you throw a fit over a glitched medal. OF COURSE the graphics are "crappy", it's a SPRITE-based game. if you were expecting PIXAR level graphics you need to grow up and stop ruining the internet for everyone else. Damn it!

Fun but flawed

I like the pixelated look, and the damage modeling on the builds. It makes the overall combat very enjoyable. unfortunately there are a few imbalances that kind of bring the game down, one being that enemies can track me far too easily, pretty much forcing me into upgrading the rate of fire of my rocket launcher over the other things, and there was no way to heal, so I kept losing all the upgrades i spent all that time getting in the first place. Also, how do you fire the machine gun? It doesn't say if it's automatic or if there are prerquisites. Fix these nagging problems and this game will be completely worth a 10/and a 5!


So, is this a game? I click on "new profile" and I get some sort of level select screen, but nothing I click on makes it do anything. Seems like lousy programming if you ask me. I'll refrain fromvoting on it though, in case it's just a temporary problem.

Psychofig responds:

To get into a level, click on an orb that isn't dark. An orb with color will open up a mini menu at the bottom that let's you select the level you want to play below.

Food for thought

This makes me rethink my atheistic views, believe it or not. the magnitude of raw power and intelligence you would need for an entity to actually, willingly CREATE all this would put said being far beyond human understanding. Well, maybe my atheistic views are vindicated by the fact that there would be literally no point in wasting my time trying to understand a being that is impossible to even BEGIN to fathom.

Like I said, food for thought.

Good, but Bush not needed

I always find it weird that most people hate bush because of his warmongering and then go and make games where you have to kill him.

Maybe a different boss, like cheney or the puppet master, Donald Rumsfeld?



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