Thats why....
I did my best to not remember chemistry.
Thats why....
I did my best to not remember chemistry.
i dont blame you at all buddy
Good good all good
Work on your FX and put some more content in there, otherwise it was pretty solid, and I liked the art style a lot! You would make a great MAD artist, you know that?
That was...
Refreshing. Good thing I decided to give lolcats a second go, nice one with the Nickelback!
Thanks. Believe it or not, but that's actually Kroeger's voice (look up Portugal and Nickelback on youtube and you'll see where I got the audio).
Hoo ha!
Heh, the best part(s) are when snake sings his "theme song".
Blast fromt he past
I first saw this YEARS ago with a friend, it cracked us up, and when we tried to find it again we couldnt.
Just now I stumbled across it while looking at Office Spider.
It still amkes me laugh.
Fire extinguisher?
Huh, not bad, not bad, could be longer.
The running scenes could have been better, but unfortunately you kinda ruled out "Aliens DON'T want to destroy/take over/exploit earth" with the aliens firing spiny things at Alex. That cool adaptive suit/epidermis is neat though, showcase more of its abilities next episode!
Much better!
Far superior to part 1, this one is definitley front page worthy, unlike its predeccessor. Good job, but does it have to end here? This ting feels like it could become a series...
Bravo man, bravo!
Animation exceeded my expectations, voice acting was fine, i don't know what everyone else is whining about.
Only complaint is the blood spill form the card player, but thats rather negligable in light of the story, animation, and voice.
Can't wait for pt. 2!
You got my number
Yeah, I've been there... Glad I grew up though!
I love the way the interviewer/news host guy is so callously indifferent to his guests despite his outward interest in the whole gaming concept.
Want more!
Joined on 4/1/07